
Our client found out she was pregnant in March of 2006 at the age of 17. Through the support of our center and her family she chose not to abort and carried her baby to term. In her own words she wanted to share with you the extreme pressure she felt to obtain an abortion.

I was only 17 years old, still in high school and unmarried with an abusive boyfriend. My boyfriend wanted me to get an abortion and just “move on” with life. I was so wrapped up in my relationship with him that I wanted to do anything to make him happy so I wouldn't have to be alone. I had a lot of people pressuring me to have an abortion. I was blessed to be immediately connected with Stanton Healthcare who helped me with the situation. Through those meetings my decision making process became clear and I was able to see options that were available to me. I realized that I was strong enough to give my child life, and to give myself a chance at a better life as well. Here I am months later and I have a daughter. I found the most amazing family to adopt her. To think that I could have never had her scares me because she changed my life. She made me want to grow up and straighten up my life… for her.