Be the Cure—STDS

Globally, STDs, including AIDS, have had a staggering impact on humanity. There is no doubt unhealthy sexual relations have created a dangerous epidemic. Each year there are fifteen million new cases in the U.S. alone and more than sixty-four million in the U.S. currently have an incurable STD. Many are raising awareness and calling for a cure.

The challenge we hear is to "raise billions of dollars to find a cure." In 2000, the total direct cost for diagnosing and treating nine million new cases of STDs among young people ages 15-24 was $6.5 billion. The cure might be closer than we think. In fact, it might already exist.

Along with being at risk for STDs, young people who engage in unwed sex are likely to experience negative emotional consequences. Teens who engage in premarital sex are also likely to experience regret, guilt, lowered self-respect, fear of commitment and fears about pregnancy and STDs.

In order to create social change and prevent the spread of deadly STDs, we must care enough about ourselves and humanity to stop the unnecessary spread of AIDS and other STDs by embracing sexual integrity.

What is sexual integrity? It means:
  • saving sexual relations for marriage
  • understanding the spiritual and emotional connection to sexual behavior
  • refraining from premarital sex to protect yourself from STDs like AIDS
  • making the compassionate decision to not engage in promiscuous sexual activity, which put others in danger.
  • promoting STD awareness

The Challenge . . . Be The Cure.

Another resource on STDs: